Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Policeman emasculated his wife's lover

Paris - When is the delusion of jealousy - then it can end up with blood.
A French policeman has emasculated his wife's lover with a knife!
The 43-year-old attacked his rival in dessenWohnung in Reichshoffen near Strasbourg, beat him unconscious and dragged him into the garage. There, he cut him with a knife from dieGenitalien as the Alsatian newspaper L'Alsace reported.
Approximately two and a half hours after the fact amSamstag asked the policeman to the authorities. The father of fünfKinder threatening because of the barbarous, torture and indeed Verstümmelungeingestuften up to 30 years in prison
   The 54-year-old victim was still in hospital on Monday. The castration was "final, it said.
Means of suicide has also been associated danger the offender to a hospital. Einerste psychiatric expertise but I found that he had acted with full consciousness kaltblütigund.
More blatant cases of emasculation: Child abuse - Mother "emasculated" truncated friend> penis - he forgave her in TV show> Woman cuts off husband penis> Man cuts off penis in the middle of the Pizzeria>

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Wrinkles do not make love worse"

Erotic expert Erika Berger (69) - EXPRESS interview with the TV presenter and book author ( "Late happiness").
Is sex in old age better? "He's definitely more intense and emotional. Those who 60 is, you can enjoy the sex much more than a 20-year-old. There is no longer the wild, but the beautiful nights. The pressure is gone. "
What pressure? "First of all, the biological: Women can not become pregnant, which relaxes the situation, for many couples. And older people tend to have more time. You can choose when they make room for tenderness. "
Does not the aging body in the way? "Everything is slower, but a fold but makes sex not worse. It is an old misconception that physical love to sleep with the menopause. Women manage it well, admitting physical problems and go to the doctor. Many men, however, need to learn to have sexual problems like erectile dysfunction treated by urologists, instead of giving his partner the debt. "
What it takes? "Couples should just make their needs in old age openly clear. You should take time for themselves once again together watching a movie or go out, get out of the everyday issues such as "Who gets the beer? Who hangs out the laundry? Talk, "And again and again over the wishes. The sex lives on automatically, and if it begins with a caress - behind the ear as quite sufficient. "

Thursday, March 18, 2010

P. Erol double murderer locked up forever

Moenchengladbach - "This act was staged like an execution!" With these words, the presiding judge based on Mönchengladbacher Lothar Beckers court judge, as it can make sharper, no German court:
Life imprisonment, detection of "particular gravity of guilt" and subsequent preventive detention. Never again, the accused Erol P. (exits 39) the prison.
The double murderer who had shot his wife Rukiye (38) and his eldest daughter, Derya (19) almost a year ago on the street (EXPRESS reported), crouches at the sentencing slumped between two policemen, outwardly showing no emotion.
According to a proceeding before the Family Court P had lain in his estranged wife on the street. Before the eyes of the two younger children (9 and 13 years), he felled her and the daughter, nor set foot on it before he shot them in the head.
Another series of brutal Strafttaten was sentenced on that day: More than 30 times had Erol P. his wife threatened with a knife and raped. Also, the sister of Rukiye who was diagnosed with multiple Skelorse and is depressed, the victim of his sex attacks.
The case became a judicial scandal, because the family did not arrest Judge P. Erol, even though a warrant existed against him. "The killings could have been prevented, had to admit yesterday, a spokesman for the District Court of Mönchengladbach.
Also of interest
Erol P. has been
The double murder of Moenchengladbach

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hoehner: by Knapp in the disaster

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Cologne - A tire explosion, with more than 100 km / h on the motorway - who experienced this before (ub) is pleased to be there got out safely. So now is big on the heights of joy and relief - even if all the terror is still deep in his bones.
 EXPRESS reached a depressed Henning Krautmacher on the phone, currently touring the Höhner across Germany, tomorrow they play in Darmstadt.
"The whole thing happened very quickly and unexpectedly. We drove from Dortmund to Wolfsburg, when suddenly the new black Mercedes Sprinter before us, which was fully loaded with our tools, a blow got mad and came to lurch barely able to save on the hard shoulder ... "
In the cockpit: The Hoehner helper Axel Philipp and Christian Longerich, belonging to the solid team. "If something bad happens to them, it would have been a real disaster. Then we would probably have to cancel the tour. But they're fine - and the instruments have withstood the swerve maneuver. "
The ADAC completely changed the tires shot, gave the two sprinters Gas: Et still hät always jot jejange ...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

60 German passengers were stuck for 34 hours

Moscow, Tomsk - And in the bitter cold: about 60 German passengers festgesessen in Russlandetwa 34 hours because of financial problems of the airline-AllianzAiRUnion on a Siberian airport.
Next was Seidi fuel bill for the machine of society KrasAir unpaid, Russian news agencies reported on Thursday.
Finally, the Tomsk regional administration for denWeiterflug used to Moscow, said the economy Associate Alexander Schatowitsch the Russian state agency RIANowosti.
The Russian authorities had announced derAiRUnion check the finances.
The airport authority in the Siberian city of Tomsk indicated that AiRUnion - the partner of Lufthansa - seitlängerem no invoices have been paid and receive no credit. Dassei the reason for the delays.
SeitTagen Russian media reported that several hundred passengers KrasAir undanderen member airlines in many parts Russlandsfestsitzen.
Dozens of passengers had to endure inWartehallen even several days, because their airlines could pay the Tankfüllungennicht.