Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Policeman emasculated his wife's lover

Paris - When is the delusion of jealousy - then it can end up with blood.
A French policeman has emasculated his wife's lover with a knife!
The 43-year-old attacked his rival in dessenWohnung in Reichshoffen near Strasbourg, beat him unconscious and dragged him into the garage. There, he cut him with a knife from dieGenitalien as the Alsatian newspaper L'Alsace reported.
Approximately two and a half hours after the fact amSamstag asked the policeman to the authorities. The father of fünfKinder threatening because of the barbarous, torture and indeed Verstümmelungeingestuften up to 30 years in prison
   The 54-year-old victim was still in hospital on Monday. The castration was "final, it said.
Means of suicide has also been associated danger the offender to a hospital. Einerste psychiatric expertise but I found that he had acted with full consciousness kaltblütigund.
More blatant cases of emasculation: Child abuse - Mother "emasculated" truncated friend> penis - he forgave her in TV show> Woman cuts off husband penis> Man cuts off penis in the middle of the Pizzeria>